Dear Carol, During the past several months I have noticed that the fronds of my Foxtail palm had become yellowish and they won't open fully. I have given my normal September fertilization and even palm nutrient in the ground and sprayed the fronds. The latest frond almost opened. I have searched the internet, and this evidently is a common problem, but no one offers cause or specific treatment. Hope you can help, —Bob, Vero Beach A: Foxtail palms known as Wodyetia bifurcata to horticulturists, arborist, and scientists originate in the northeastern areas of Australia where they thrive with abundant and regular water as they live in monsoonal areas with rainforest type conditions. They have become favorites in Treasure Coast landscapes due to initial good looks and low costs. To maintain a lush appearance, Foxtails require regular, copious applications of water and nutrients. It is not unusual for Foxtails to begin to look yellow within a few months to a year after transplanting. The nutrient deficiencies are caused often by needs for more potassium, manganese, magnesium, and boron, though other nutrients are needed as well. Generally for palms, apply a fertilizer with a ratio of 2N (nitrogen) -1P (phosphorous) -3K (potassium) -1MG (magnesium) such as 8-2-12-4 plus micronutrients which is 100% slow-release N and K. Use a rate of 1.5 lbs./100 sq. ft. every 3 months; February, May, October and December. Be aware of any fertilizer ordinances which occur in the county, which often prohibit the application of fertilizer containing nitrogen and phosphorus May – September. Foxtails often benefit from an additional application of fertilizer as they are heavy feeders. Bob’s Foxtail suffers from several nutrient deficiencies, the most serious appear to be manganese, which causes the frizzle of the upper fronds and possibly boron, which often distorts growth and “glues” new fronds and prevents opening. To correct these issues, use the granular application as stated (liquid fertilizer either on the surface or injected deeply past the palms absorbing roots are rarely effective). For the frizzletop, supplement with soluble manganese sulfate, 8 oz. for a small palm up to 8 lbs. for a large palm, repeat every 2 to 3 months. Boron deficiency requires careful treatment, boron easily becomes toxic. Mix 2 to 4 oz. of Solubor or Borax in 5 gallons of water and apply under the canopy. Do not repeat for at least 5 months. Correction of the nutrient issues will appear on the new fronds as once the damage is done, it is permanent. Do not prune off the lower or any deficient leaves, the palm will continue to take the nutrients needed for survival and growth from them. Also, those fronds help by continuing to provide the products of photosynthesis for the palms survival. Carol Cloud Bailey is a Landscape Counselor & Horticulturist. Send questions to or visit for more information.