Campo Grande Municipal News Agency |PMCGStarting today (1st), the Multivaccination Campaign to update the booklet of children and adolescents under 15 years of age will have 18 vaccines that are part of this public's routine.Doses will be available at all health units in the Capital, but it is necessary to pay attention to the opening hours of vaccine rooms, as there are places that will be exclusively applying Covid-19 in the afternoon.“This campaign is a way we have to guarantee that diseases that were already eradicated in the country do not circulate again and put the health of the entire population at risk”, explains the municipal health secretary, José Mauro Filho.One of the diseases mentioned by him and for which the virus no longer circulated in the country is measles, which was reintroduced in 2018, two years after Brazil received the certificate of eradication of the disease.In Campo Grande, there was not even a record of the disease in the historical series until 2019, when a child, not yet old enough to receive the first dose of the triple viral vaccine, was contaminated after a trip with his mother to São Paulo.Last year, five confirmed cases of this disease were registered in the municipality, which already characterizes the return of the circulation of the virus.“We live in a region where yellow fever is endemic, and it can also kill, which is why the entire population needs to be vaccinated”, reinforces the secretary.The vaccines that will be applied during the campaign protect against up to thirty diseases that can be avoided, but still pose risks to the health of this public, as is the case of HPV, which is applied to girls aged 9 to 14 years and boys between 11 and 14 years.This vaccine prevents against four types of human papillomavirus, preventing cervical cancer caused by them.Doses available in the multivaccination campaignVaccination locations and timesIn allusion to International Women's Day, celebrated on March 8, the Community Support Fund (FAC), in […]Phone(s): Ombudsman - (67) 3314-4639 - Press office - (67) 2020-1681Avenida Afonso Pena, 3297 - Centro, Campo Grande Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil CEP 79002-949 - CNPJ 03501509/0001-06